Além da Ilusão is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by TV Globo. It is written by Alessandra Poggi, with the collaboration of Adriana Chevalier, Letícia Mey, Flávio Marinho, Rita Lemgruber. It premiered on 7 February 2022. It stars Larissa Manoela, Rafael Vitti, Danilo Mesquita, Antônio Calloni, Malu Galli, Marcello Novaes, Bárbara Paz, and Paloma Duarte. Set in Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro and divided into two phases, between 1934 and 1944, the telenovela follows wealthy sisters Elisa and Isadora who, in different phases, fall in love with the magician Davi.
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